Media law firm Berlin
Expertise and services

Our expertise - customized solutions for your company

We support you in the areas of IT law, blockchain technology, media law and intellectual property law. With our specialized expertise, we master your legal challenges and ensure your success in a digital world.

Our consulting focus

IT law

  • Drafting contracts in e-commerce, including general terms and conditions and other legal texts, for the legally compliant implementation of online stores and compliance with legal requirements.
  • Drafting and reviewing software license and IT project agreements, such as for the development, adaptation, use and maintenance (service level agreements) of software and hardware.
  • Advising SaaS providers, platform operators and cloud service providers on the creation and implementation of usage guidelines and legal documents.
  • Legal support in the design and implementation of corporate websites (including terms of use and legal notice), in the protection of digital content and in the resolution of domain disputes.
  • Advice on the use of AI tools such as ChatGPT, DALL-E or Copilot - from questions about data usage and the rights to training data and outputs to the development and implementation of your AI strategy.

Media law

  • Drafting of sponsorship and cooperation agreements and legal support for innovative sports media concepts.
  • Drafting of influencer contracts and examination of competition law issues in influencer marketing.
  • Legal review of company presences on social media platforms and the distribution of content and offers in order to minimize legal risks and ensure warning protection.
  • Advice on the planning and implementation of advertising and marketing campaigns, including print, TV, viral marketing and product placement.
  • Comprehensive support for projects in the gaming industry, from classic console games to online games, for developer studios and publishers.

Blockchain technology

  • Beratung zur rechtlichen Strukturierung und Umsetzung von Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
  • UnterstĂ¼tzung bei der Gestaltung und PrĂ¼fung von Smart Contracts.
  • Beratung zu Erstellung, Handel und Nutzung von Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).
  • Rechtliche Begleitung bei Token Offerings, einschlieĂŸlich Einhaltung regulatorischer Vorgaben.

Intellectual property

  • Erstellung und Verhandlung von IP-Ăœbertragungs- und Geheimnisschutzvereinbarungen sowie Lizenzverträgen fĂ¼r Marken, Designs und Urheberrechte.
  • Beratung bei Markenanmeldungen, Ăœberwachung von Marken und Verwaltung von Schutzrechtsportfolios sowie UnterstĂ¼tzung bei Markenkollisionen.
  • UnterstĂ¼tzung bei der Durchsetzung von Schutzrechten, einschlieĂŸlich Abmahnungen, einstweiligen VerfĂ¼gungen sowie gerichtlichen und amtlichen Verfahren.
  • Bekämpfung von Piraterie, unbefugter Nutzung und Verteidigung Ihrer Rechte in urheberrechtlichen Konflikten.
  • Beratung im Wettbewerbsrecht, einschlieĂŸlich Abmahnungen bei irrefĂ¼hrender Werbung, unlauteren Geschäftspraktiken und der Durchsetzung von AnsprĂ¼chen nach dem UWG.

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Lawyer IT law Berlin
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